apple of God's eye frame

Apple of God’s Eye Picture Frames

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If you’re looking for a simple and adorable craft to do with your kids this Fall season, you’ll love these Apple of God’s Eye Picture Frames. 

This craft only requires a few supplies and is a great way to have a further discussion with your kids about what it means to be the apple of God’s eye. Once finished your child can hang up their frame and use it as a visual reminder of how much they are seen, valued, cared for, and loved by God.

If you’re looking for more “apple” themed crafts, snacks, activities, and a corresponding simple Bible lesson to do with your kids, check out this week’s Weekly Fun Plan: Apple of God’s Eye.


supplies needed to make the apple of god's eye frames


  • Cut a leaf shape out of green construction paper and a rectangular stem out of brown construction paper. Glue or staple the leaf and stem to the top of your paper plate.
staple construction paper leaf and stem to the top of the paper plate
  • Use your red paint to cover the entire backside of a paper plate.
paint the plate red
  • Once your paint is dry glue on a printed photo of your child to the center of the plate.
  • Take a marker and write “I am the apple of God’s eye” on the leaf, and you’re done!
glue child's photo to the center of the plate and write "I'm the apple of God's eye!" on the leaf

Don’t forget, if you try this craft or any parts of my Weekly Fun Plans be sure to share a photo on Instagram and tag us @faithfilledfun or use #faithfilledfun.

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