coffee filter butterflies craft

Coffee Filter Butterflies

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These Coffee Filter Butterflies only require a few supplies, are fun to make, and are the perfect craft for Spring/Summer. Use your favorite colors and create various unique butterflies. 

The tie-dye effect on the wings is created by using water. That being said you can absolutely do this craft indoors but it might be a fun one to try outside on a nice day too. There are multiple ways you can achieve this unique water tie-dye effect:

  • Paint the water on with a paintbrush
  • Spray the coffee filters with a spray bottle
  • Use a small dropper and drip water onto your artwork

Once completed you can hang them up and they make super cute springtime decor, play with them like a puppet, or use them for a butterfly-themed party or event.

If you’re looking for more butterfly-themed crafts, snacks, activities, and my corresponding children’s Bible Lesson check out this week’s Weekly Fun Plan: A New Creation.

New Weekly Fun Plans drop each Monday so stay up to date with the blog each week by subscribing to my email list!


supplies to make coffee filter butterflies


  • To start, color a coffee filter with your favorite color markers, covering the entire surface. 
  • Set your colored coffee filter onto a tray, paper towel, or plate and blend the marker using water. You can do this in multiple ways, choose whichever option is best for you.
    • Paint the water on with a paintbrush
    • Spray the coffee filters with a spray bottle
    • Use a small dropper and drip water onto your artwork
  • Set your coffee filter aside to dry.
  • Once your filter is completely dry, pinch it together at the center to create your butterfly wings. Secure the wings with your clothespin and fan them out gently.
  • Using a marker draw a simple smiley face onto your clothespin.
  • Lastly using your desired color of pipe cleaner curl both ends and bend it in half to create your butterfly antennae.
  • Secure the antennae by pinching them into the clothespin or gluing them to the top and you’re done. See the image below for reference.

Don’t forget, if you try this craft or any parts of my Weekly Fun Plans be sure to share a photo on Instagram and tag us @faithfilledfun or use #faithfilledfun.

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