easter resurrection rolls aka empty tomb rolls

Easter Resurrection Rolls

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Whether you’re looking for a fun Easter-themed snack to take to a party or a sweet treat to enjoy as a family, you’re going to love this Easter Resurrection Rolls recipe. These are also known as “Empty Tomb Rolls” as they are made to look like Jesus’ empty tomb.

This recipe requires only a few ingredients and can be quickly whipped together. It’s easy to make and tastes great, and this recipe is meant to help you explain or remember the Easter story.

I have included all the Easter metaphors with the recipe steps to make it easy for you to read along as you go, explaining how these rolls represent the Easter story.

For more Easter-themed crafts, activities, and a simple Bible lesson you can do with your kids this week, be sure to read my full blog post: Weekly Fun Plan: He is Risen!

If you’re a visual learner, check out these simple video instructions. The full written recipe and pictures are listed below. For more fun videos like this one, follow me on TikTok & Instagram.


  • 1 package of refrigerated crescent rolls 
  • ¼ cup butter
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon, ground
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 8 marshmallows
ingredients for easter resurrection rolls


  • Mix the cinnamon and sugar in a small bowl. In another small bowl melt the butter completely.
    • These 3 ingredients represent the 3 days that Jesus was in the tomb.
  • Next, open up your package of crescent rolls and separate them into the 8 different triangles.
    • The crescent dough represents the linens that Jesus’ body was wrapped in.
  • Next, take a marshmallow and roll it into the melted butter. Once completely coated in butter, roll it into your cinnamon sugar mix coating the whole marshmallow. Once its covered wrap the marshmallow entirely with the dough sealing all the edges.
    • The white marshmallow represents our sinless Savior.
    • The butter represents the oil Jesus was anointed with.
    • Wrapping it up represents Jesus being wrapped in linen and spices.
  • Next, roll the dough ball into the butter and the cinnamon sugar mixture and place in a muffin tin.
  • Once you’ve created all your rolls, bake them in the oven according to the baking temperature and time on your crescent roll package.
    • Baking the rolls represents the 3 days Jesus was in the tomb.
  • Once you take the rolls out of the oven, let them cool for a few minutes before serving.
    • Tear open the rolls and the marshmallow should be completely melted creating the look of an empty tomb!
easter resurrection rolls

Don’t forget, if you try this snack recipe or any parts of my Weekly Fun Plans be sure to share a photo on Instagram and tag us @faithfilledfun or use #faithfilledfun.

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