handprint bonfire craft

Handprint Bonfire

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In my opinion, there is nothing cuter and more iconic in children’s crafts than a piece of artwork made with your child’s handprints. So of course, if I have the chance to include a handprint craft in one of my Weekly Fun Plans I’m going to do it! These types of crafts can get a little more messy but are oh-so worth it. Be sure to check out the Building Your Life on Jesus blog post for the full list of activities, snacks, and a short Bible lesson all themed around the idea of building things.



  • Prep your space with a tablecloth or newspaper, and prep your child with a smock.
  • Have your child choose their favorite color construction paper to use as their background.
  • Cut out some strips of brown construction paper or spare cardboard you may have lying around the house for your logs, or take a brown marker and draw a stack of logs at the bottom of your paper.
  • Take your child’s hand and paint it with one of the three colors of paint.
handprint bonfire craft
  • Gently press your child’s hand onto the paper above the logs in multiple places. Continue this step with all three colors until the paper is full and it looks like a fire.
handprint bonfire craft
  • Allow the paint to dry and that’s it, you’re done! Hang up their artwork and treasure the memory forever. And don’t forget, if you try this craft or any parts of my Weekly Fun Plans be sure to share a photo on Instagram and tag us @faithfilledfun or use hashtag #faithfilledfun
handprint bonfire craft

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