paper plate hot cocoa mug with fruit of the spirit marshmallows craft

Paper Plate Hot Cocoa Mug (with Fruit of the Spirt Marshmallows)

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I’m always looking for fun ways to introduce Biblical truths to my children, and as you may have noticed with this blog, crafts tend to be my go-to.

So when I came across this common Paper Plate Hot Cocoa Mug craft, I had the thought “How can we tweak this craft to teach kids about the Holy Spirit?” and voila the idea for Fruit of the Spirit marshmallows was born.

This craft only requires a few supplies, is very easy to make, and it’s the perfect way to slip in a quick discussion with your kids about the Fruit of the Spirit, what they are, and how we can gain access to them!

If you’re looking for more hot cocoa-themed crafts, snacks, activities, and a corresponding simple Bible lesson on the Holy Spirit for you and your kids, check out this week’s Weekly Fun Plan: He Fills Us Up (The Holy Spirit).

New Weekly Fun Plans drop each Monday so stay up to date with the blog each week by subscribing to my email list!


supplies needed to make paper plate hot cocoa mug craft


  • To start, pick out whatever color of “mug” you’d like to create. You’ll need construction paper and paint in this color.
  • Cut out a small rectangle shape in the chosen color of construction paper to be your mug handle, and attach it to your paper plate. I’ve found that stapling works best, but you could also glue it.
  • Next, using your “mug color” paint the entire rim of the paper plate leaving no white areas. Then finish up the painting portion of this craft by painting the entire center of your plate a dark brown color (this is your hot cocoa). Then set this aside to dry.
  • While your plate is drying, draw 9 small squares onto a piece of white paper. These will be your marshmallows.
  • Label each marshmallow with one of the Fruit of the Spirit. If you need a refresher the Fruit of the Spirit are:
    • Love
    • Joy
    • Peace
    • Patience 
    • Kindness
    • Goodness
    • Faithfulness
    • Gentleness
    • Self-control
  • Next, carefully cut out each of your marshmallows. 
  • Lastly, when your paper plate is completely dry, glue the Fruit of the Spirit marshmallows all over the brown area and you’re done! Hang it up as a fun winter reminder of the Fruit of the Spirit.
paper plate hot cocoa mug with fruit of the spirit marshmallows craft for kids

Don’t forget, if you try this craft or any parts of my Weekly Fun Plans be sure to share a photo on Instagram and tag us @faithfilledfun or use #faithfilledfun.

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