picture tent craft

Picture Tents

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Forget boring old picture frames, these Picture Tents are an adorable way to capture your kids’ likeness that allows them to use their creativity and have fun at the same time. Hang them up on the fridge or send some love to a family member. They’re quick, easy, and don’t make much of a mess as far as crafts go. For the full list of activities, crafts, snacks, and a Bible lesson themed around “Building” things, be sure to check out the Weekly Fun Plan: Building Your Life on Jesus! blog post, that this craft is included in.


camping picture frame craft


  • Have your child choose a white, light blue, or black piece of construction paper to be their background/sky. Then have them choose whatever color paper they would like to be their tent.
  • Cut a large triangle out of their tent-colored paper. Then cut a slit from the base of the triangle to about ¾ of the way up through the triangle toward the point. This cut will create the flaps of the tent’s door.
  • Either cut some green construction paper to make a line of grass for the bottom of your picture and glue it down OR  have your child color some grass along the bottom of their background paper.
camping picture frame craft
  • Cut out a small photo of your child (approximately 2″ in height) and have them glue it down in the middle of the paper so that it looks like they are standing/sitting on the grass.
picture tent
  • Fold both flaps so that the tent doors are open and glue the tent over the photo of your child so that it looks like they are inside the tent doors.
  • Have your child continue to decorate their “campsite” in whatever way they’d like.
    • You can cut out more shapes (such as trees, a bonfire, sunshine, a camp sign, etc.) and glue those down.
    • Draw and color some forest animals or more pieces to the campsite with markers or crayons.
    • Add stickers to decorate the campsite or add a pattern to the tent.
    • The possibilities are endless which means you can let your child’s individual likes and creativity shine with this craft.
picture tent
  • And just like that you’re done! If you try this craft or any parts of my Weekly Fun Plans be sure to share a photo on Instagram and tag us @faithfilledfun or use hashtag #faithfilledfun

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