S’more Name Sign

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Name signs are a fun creative way for your child to practice writing/recognizing letters and to learn their name. I first saw this idea on Busy Hands & Minds and thought they were so adorable and my kids had a fun time decorating their signs and eventually hanging them in their rooms! And I know that each time they look at their signs they can be reminded of their Love S’more Like Jesus lesson and all the fun we had.



  • Print off my S’more printable PDF.
  • Write one letter of the child’s name on each marshmallow or if your child is old enough have them write the letters themself.
  • Using your desired coloring tool color the top and bottom graham cracker pieces a light brown/tan and the melted chocolate a dark brown.
  • Carefully cut out each marshmallow letter along with the top & bottom graham cracker pieces.
  • Let your child select their favorite color of construction paper to be their background.
  • Using a glue stick have or help your child glue down the s’more pieces in order to spell out their name.
  • You can either leave it like that or let your child continue to decorate their name sign with whatever art supplies you have at home. My daughter added some jewel stickers and glitter glue for fun but the possibilities and room for creativity are endless.

Don’t forget, if you try this craft or any parts of my Weekly Fun Plans be sure to share a photo on Instagram and tag us @faithfilledfun or use #faithfilledfun.

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