Weekly Fun Plan: He is Risen!

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Welcome to this week’s Weekly Fun Plan: He is Risen! If you haven’t already I recommend you read my introductory blog post “Faith-filled Fun: What Is It? And Why I Started It”. That post will give you some background into this blog and a little more in-depth explanation of my Weekly Fun Plans and how to use them. 

This Week’s Theme: He is Risen!

Easter is here and what better way to celebrate with your kids than to teach them about Jesus with some fun crafts and snacks? This week we learn about the cross and the resurrection and we answer the question: Who is Jesus? All our craft, snack, and activity ideas are going to be Easter-themed. If you try anything in this week’s plan don’t forget to share your experiences on social media! Tag us @faithfilledfun on Instagram or use #faithfilledfun. 

New Weekly Fun Plans drop each Monday so stay up to date with the blog each week by subscribing to my email list!

Bible Lesson: What to Read or Watch this week

Since this week we are learning about Easter, here are some great resources to read/watch:

If you have young children (ages 0-8): 

  • Read the following Bible verses:
    • Mark 16:1-4
    • Matthew 28:5-8
    • John 20: 3-10
    • Luke 24: 1-12, 36-49
  • WatchThe Easter Story for Kids” by Minno – Bible Stories for Kids on YouTube. This is a fun 32-minute animated video that does a great job telling the story of Easter in a way your young children will understand and enjoy.

If you have older children/teens (ages 9-18):

  • Read the same verses listed above. Then have them answer the discussion questions for this week’s lesson.

Bible Lesson: Questions to Ask Your Kids/Discuss this week

If you read the recommended Bible verses or watched the YouTube video your kids should be able to answer this week’s question:

Who is Jesus? Answer: Jesus is the King of everything!

If you have little ones (ages 0-8):

I would focus on that one question first. Ask them the same question every morning or evening and see if they can remember the answer. Once they get that question down, move on to the additional discussion questions listed below.

If you have older children (ages 9-18):

Here are some additional questions you can discuss with them throughout the week:

  • What is Easter? Why do we celebrate it?
  • How can we follow Jesus?
  • Who did Jesus die for on the cross?

Bible Lesson: Memory Verse

Memorizing scripture is vital to teaching our children at a young age. Recalling and reciting scripture that they’ve memorized will help them as they grow and go through trials in life. It will also encourage them, equip them to go out and be little disciples of Jesus, and strengthen their faith as they age.

This week let’s have your kids work on memorizing Romans 4:25

Memorizing scripture is so much easier for kids if you can find a way to make it fun. Here are some different ideas to try as a family to help memorize this week’s verse:

  • Come up with some simple motions for each word of the verse and make a cheer or dance out of it.
  • Come up with your own melody and create a song out of it.
  • Make it a game. Start by saying one word or phrase of the verse at a time and have your kids repeat after you until you’ve gotten through the whole verse. Then repeat the process saying the words differently every time. Examples: slow, fast, in a silly voice, quiet, loud, etc.

Once your child/children have got it, I recommend practicing reciting the verse each morning over breakfast or before they leave for school and maybe even again before bed. Make it a part of your routine and you’ll be amazed at how fast they will begin to pick it up.

Supplies needed for this week’s activities

Here is a quick list of all the supplies that you will need to complete all the suggested crafts, activities, and snacks for this week’s plan. For a list of my most used craft supplies, and things I will be utilizing often in future Weekly Fun Plans be sure to check out my Links page.

Recipe: Easter Resurrection Rolls (Empty Tomb Rolls)

This week’s recipe is one I remember making many times as a kid. Easter Resurrection Rolls are a fun and easy way to review the Easter story while making a simple but delicious dessert. Follow the link for the full easy step-by-step written instructions.

For more fun video instructions like this one, follow me on TikTok & Instagram.


For this week, we are making this “Empty Tomb Easter Craft” and this adorable “Painted Plate Cross Art”. Both crafts are simple, fun, and perfect for Easter!

Empty Tomb Easter Craft:

For our first craft this week we’re going to make this simple 3D Empty Tomb Easter Craft! This one is simple to make, mess-free, and a perfect reminder of the empty tomb. Follow the link for easy step-by-step instructions.

Painted Plate Cross Art:

Next up we have this colorful Painted Plate Cross Art. It’s quick, easy, and makes a beautiful Easter reminder that “He is Risen!”. Follow the link for an easy step-by-step guide.


With our Easter theme this week, here are a few extra ideas for activities to do with your children:

  • Make an invitation with the art supplies you have at home and invite a friend or neighbor to church this weekend.
  • Share some of your Easter Resurrection Rolls with family, friends, or neighbors.
  • Dye Easter eggs as a family. For a fun new way to dye your eggs check out this video:

Parenting Tip of the Week:

Our identity and our children’s identity should always come from Christ first and foremost. We are who God says we are and not what the world or other people might say we are. As much as we as parents might know it in our hearts, hear about it at church, or read it in our Bibles, it’s so important to remind ourselves and our children daily what our identity is in Christ. 

Recently one of my favorite Christian influencers, Lacy Abercrombie, shared a list of Christian affirmations she reads over herself every morning and it stuck with me. I typed up the list and have been reading it over myself and my kids ever since and I think it could really benefit you and your family too. So I’ve created a free downloadable Christian Affirmations poster for you to print off and use and have also attached it below for you to read. I hope you love it as much as I do!

Christian Affirmations poster


Lastly, I like to end each Weekly Fun Plan with some example prayers for your week. One is to pray with your kids, maybe before they get on the bus in the morning, before a meal, or before bed, and the other prayer is for you, the parent, to pray over your kids throughout the week.

Prayer to say with your kids this week: 

Dear Jesus, thank you for showing Your love for us on the cross. You died for us and then came back to life! We celebrate your resurrection and the new life you give us this Easter. Amen.

Prayer to pray over your kids this week: 

Dear God, thank you for your love for us each day. Thank you for sending your son to die on the cross for all of our sins. We praise you for the hope that you give us as we celebrate your victory over sin and death this Easter season. May our family live our lives each day with you as our savior and king. In Jesus name, amen.

I hope you have a wonderful week and don’t forget to subscribe to my email list and follow me on Instagram @faithfilledfun to stay up to date with the blog!

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